When redesigning any logo—in a way—it's like giving a brand a facelift. So, It's important to understand what the client's goals are before delving into the project, so the designer is prepared with the proper tools prior to surgery. If it's a total rebrand, then the current identity will be discarded along with the audience, products and/or services. A change in course means a deeper problem to solve, and more surgical instruments to lay out.
A brand refresh is intended to retain a visual connection on how the brand is currently perceived, but with a new design to support the brand's new direction. This was the goal that engage had when they reached out to me requesting an update to their logo. Understanding this ahead of time allowed for me to prepare. It wasn't necessary for engage to go under the knife, so I knew a mild makeover would suffice.
Original logo
Updated logotype utilizing some of the similar characteristics, but with a friendlier appeal
I was approached by the team to help recreate their existing identity with the intent to illustrate a more friendly and fully custom logotype.
Farewell 'interactive'
One of the toughest decisions we wrestled with (minus the lycra) was whether to lose 'interactive' from the logo, as engage interactive is still the registered name on our birth certificate after all. After speaking to various people outside of the business though, it became clear that people knew us and referred to us as simply 'engage' - so taking this on board, we said our goodbyes and dropped the 'interactive', though we'll still be retaining it in an officially capacity and also in our url.
This was a quote from Alex, a co-founder and Director at engage.
Rounded terminals make for a more welcoming tone
Early concept that I explored, but didn't end up making the cut